Friday, February 8, 2008

Infertility Groups

I was talking to one of the Thrive Team members a few minutes ago and we reminded each other of some of the different people that were in some of the groups we have sponsored and how their lives have changed and what's next for them (check out our "So What's Next?" blog).

One of the groups we had still meets together. And this is after 4 years! They meet for baby showers (some first babies, some second), helping with meals during those first few weeks with a new baby or newly adopted child, and for birthday parties. They keep track of where those who haven't gotten pregnant or received their little adopted one yet are in their journey and celebrate milestones with them or lend a comforting shoulder when that's what is needed.

Trina and I started this group and met with them for several years and were the leaders who helped organize meetings, bible studies, meals together and showers. But now we are "out of the loop"! They bonded so well that they lead their own community and support each other, without us.

At first it felt weird to be invited to join them. It felt strange to find out they were hanging out with each other still and not including us. And we felt a little bit guilty knowing that they knew better than us what was happening in the infertility journeys of those formerly in the group.

But, of course, we know that this was our goal. This is what we prayed for as we were shepherding them. This is what God wanted for their lives!

We are grateful and thrilled that this kind of community can endure. But we shouldn't be surprised, those of us on the Thrive Team came from an infertility group long ago and we are still involved in each other's lives, like sisters.

If you are interested in being a part of building a community like this in your neighborhood or church, we would love to help. Email or blog us and share with us your story.